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Troubled Student FAQs

Q: What are some signs a student may be troubled?

Students in distress may not be disruptive to others buy may exhibit behaviors that indicate something problematic. They may also be reluctant or unable to acknowledge a need for personal help.

Behaviors may include:

  • Marked changes in academic performance or class attendance;
  • Withdrawal and/or lack of participation, increased anxiety around exams or deadlines, or difficulty working in teams;
  • Changes in emotional states (e.g., sadness, crying, lethargy, irritability, rapid speech, preoccupation, increased and more intense disagreement with peers and/or instructors, a sense of confusion);
  • Changes in physical well-being (e.g., swollen eyes from crying, increased illnesses, poor hygiene, rapid weight loss/gain, sleeping in class);
  • Repeated requests for special consideration (e.g., deadline extensions, changes in requirements, grade changes); or
  • Behaviors that may interfere with effective management of the learning environment (e.g., outbursts of anger, domination of discussion).

Q: How should I respond to a troubled student?

For students who are mildly or moderately troubled:

  • Address the situation on an individual level; consider having another faculty/staff member meet with you and the student.
  • Consult with the Office of the Dean of Students at 337-482-6276, Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities 337-482-6373 or Counseling & Testing Center at 337-482-6481.
  • Avoid offering confidentiality to the student should he or she wish to talk.
  • Deal directly with the behavior according to the classroom protocol; provide kind, corrective feedback, and offer help.
  • Encourage the student to use campus and community resources; offer to walk the student to the area of assistance or call to make an appointment.
  • Inform and consult with your supervisor.