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Report a Student Concern

Student for the Students of Concern Team ( SOCT) is a campus resource dedicated to assisting students who may be in distress or experiencing challenging or difficult life circumstances. The SOCT also provides consultation and intervention when students exhibit aggressive, concerning or disruptive behaviors. The primary focus of the team is to take a proactive approach in identifying students who are struggling and provide early intervention, resources, and referrals, both on campus and in the community. The SOCT receives information from concerned parties regarding students who may be exhibiting worrisome, disturbing, or disruptive behaviors.

When to Refer

  • If your effort to manage a significant behavioral issue has not resolved the problem;
  • If you are concerned about the welfare of a student, yourself, and/or other students;
  • If a student asks for help in dealing with personal issues that are outside your role as a faculty or staff member; and/or
  • If you have referred the student for assistance in the past and there seems to be no improvement or behavior seems to be worsening.

What about student privacy?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits the sharing of personal observations and knowledge about a student among campus officials where there is a legitimate educational need to know. If you are concerned about a student, do not hesitate to notify the Students of Concern Team.

Does the referral need the student’s participation?

Simply put, no, it does not. There may be times when the student is not receptive to help or support or when the student has left your class or office and the link between your concern and making a referral occurs.

How to Make a Referral

Students of Concern Referrals (

Information needed for effective referral:

  • Your name and relationship to student;
  • The student’s name
  • Contact information for you and the student;
  • A brief, factual explanation of your concerns or observations, including dates, times and locations; and
  • What has been done so far to address the concerns (e.g., conversations with the student, consultations of check-ins with colleagues) and the student’s response to those efforts.

If you are not sure you should refer:

Considering that UL Lafayette is a large campus community, the behaviors observed may be a piece of a puzzle to the student’s wellness. Connecting what we know about a student from a variety of sources will assist in better serving the student’s needs.